New for 2024-25 — The Fine Arts Department has become the Art & Innovation Department incorporating fine arts, technical arts and technology in one groundbreaking department. Click/tap here for more information.

Arts & Innovation Department Mission Statement

Jesuit education historically has encouraged an appreciation for and cultivation of the arts — both for their own sake and as a manifestation of the creativity present in the world which ultimately comes from God. The Art & Innovation Department at Brophy College Preparatory believes that the arts are a means of universal communication (Loving), and that our department provides students with the knowledge of various art forms so they can participate in this conversation (Intellectually Competent). Through the arts, students hear the voices of other cultures and respond to them wholly (Committed to Doing Justice). This experience broadens their knowledge of the creator who bestows the means of communication upon them (Religious). Through these studies, students will be receptive to new expressions and opportunities in the arts (Open to Growth).

Resources and More

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  • > Essential questions we want our students to ask...

    Open to Growth
    What are the obstacles to creativity?
    How do we challenge ourselves to move beyond?
    How do we overcome stereotypes?
    How do we find the resources for continued growth?

    Intellectually Competent
    What are the motives for creation?
    How do we manipulate any given medium?
    How do you find inspiration?

    Is there a parallel between our personal creative experience and that of God’s experience?
    Is there a personal and spiritual creative parallel?

    Committed to Doing Justice
    What is the artist’s responsibility?
    How are intrinsic values expressed?
    How can we use art for social change?

    What is the appropriate response to peer work?
    How does the artist express emotion through his work?
    Do you recognize and accept other talents?
  • > Enduring understandings we want our students to take with them...

    Open to Growth
    By graduation, a student will
    • Understand and develop an appreciation of various art forms (other than their proficiency and outside of their own area of interest).
    • Exhibit a willingness to take creative risks.
    • Understand that he has a voice as an artist.
    • Understand that art is a vital part of life.
    • Understand that he is embarking on a life-long journey of artistic exploration.

    Intellectually Competent
    By graduation, a student will
    • Understand how to communicate at a basic level in the arts.
    • Understand how to make informed judgments and critique various art forms.
    • Understand that art addresses universal themes of human existence.
    • Understand the importance of self-critique.

    By graduation, a student will
    • Understand and recognize that aesthetic beauty is from God.
    • Understand that religions have given birth to a variety of art forms.
    • Understand that we can worship, praise and give thanks through the arts.

    By graduation, a student will
    • Understand the need to be open to, accepting and supportive of the works of his peers.
    • Understand the importance of participation in the collaborative process.
    • Understand the need for a non-judgmental atmosphere.

    Committed to Doing Justice
    By graduation, a student will
    • Understand the importance of using his artistic voice to further social action (artistic community events).
    • Understand that the arts are for all.
    • Understand that artists historically have been revolutionary and that arts have been a voice for social change.
  • > Textbooks, Resources and Course Descriptions

Fine Arts Department Faculty

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